The journal AUC Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis, subtitled “Příspěvky k dějinám Univerzity Karlovy” (Papers on the History of Charles University), is a periodical devoted not only to the history of the Prague university but also to the history of education and student movement in the Czech lands. The journal, published since 1960 as part of the Acta Universitatis Carolinae series, also publishes essays presenting original historical sources (all texts are accompanied by summaries in foreign languages, mainly in English and German). It regularly publishes reviews and annotations of works on the history of education and annals of research activities.

The journal is archived in Portico.


Neznámá univerzitní teze rytecké rodiny Rugendasů ve sbírce Národní knihovny

[An Unknown Thesis Print by the Rugendas Family of Engravers in the Collections of the National Library, Prague]

Ivan Boháč, Adéla Boháčová

published online: 29. 04. 2024


This article presents a previously unknown thesis print which includes a depiction of the Holy Family. This thesis was produced by the Rugendases, a famous Augsburg family of engravers: in particular, we know it had been engraved by Georg Philipp Rugendas the Elder and Christian Rugendas. The article describes the Rugendas family and university theses as graphic images. The core of the contribution, however, focuses on the previously unknown thesis print no. 527 and its comparison with the Dresden thesis no. 1215, which was produced by the same engravers and likewise depicts the Holy Family. In 2022, this thesis had been added to the collection of university theses of the National Library of the Czech Republic, which is the largest compact collection of its kind in the world and as such is on the World Heritage List of the UNESCO. In the past 250 years, only eight new theses have been added to it.

keywords: University theses; thesis print; Thesenblatt; Holy Family; National Library of the Czech Republic; Rugendas; Haidt; Haid; Marchesini; Charles-Ferdinand University of Prague; Augsburg; Prague

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Creative Commons License
Neznámá univerzitní teze rytecké rodiny Rugendasů ve sbírce Národní knihovny is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 0323-0562
E-ISSN: 2336-5730
